I've been blogging this show since 2008 on my personal painting blog and decided 2011 is the year to have an additional blog dedicated to the art show and become a "dualing Piccolo blogger"! This second blog also gives me the opportunity to share insights and impressions from other art show "insiders"! Join me up front (and behind the scenes) as the 2011 show shapes up with fine art, occasional guest contributors, on the ground interviews and who knows what else creativity run rampant will surprise us with! Comments are open but moderated. Think before you write!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Piccolo Spoleto Outdoor Art Exhibit - Day 11 - June 6, 1010 GUEST POST by Hilarie Lambert

Win a Few - Lose a Few
or Thoughts on Awards, Judging, and Art Shows 

Guest Post by Artist Hilarie Lambert
Third Place Award Winner

I enter a few other shows during the year where you send an image of one or two paintings and cross your fingers they get in. I never paint a painting specifically for a show, rather hold on to one that I've finished that I think may be a good fit, and a painting I think is exceptional. Whether the judge for that shows thinks so is another issue, and I never worry about it because where one person may agree with me, another judge may not. I don't paint for them - I just paint. When someone likes one of my pieces I'm thrilled, and when they buy it or choose it for an exhibit, I am flattered. 

I paint almost everyday, and for the Piccolo Spoleto Outdoor Art Exhibition, I begin in January working on pieces for this show.  I view this art show llike every other show in  that my goal is to create a cohesive body of work that I'm proud to show. And when Piccolo finally arrives, and my booth is set up, I get to see old friends, make news ones.  It's not about awards, it's about the whole experience.
Marion Square is such a great example of how people react to paintings. As people stroll down the pathways, they are drawn to certain painters. Some like abstract and are mesmerized by the shapes and color. Others are drawn to impressionistic styles, see a landscape painting and are transported to another place. Some people love the emotion of mixed media and others feel the same way about photography.
I love my ribbon. I love that so many other great artists got theirs too. But it's about the experience, the clients and the paintings that matter most.

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