I've been blogging this show since 2008 on my personal painting blog and decided 2011 is the year to have an additional blog dedicated to the art show and become a "dualing Piccolo blogger"! This second blog also gives me the opportunity to share insights and impressions from other art show "insiders"! Join me up front (and behind the scenes) as the 2011 show shapes up with fine art, occasional guest contributors, on the ground interviews and who knows what else creativity run rampant will surprise us with! Comments are open but moderated. Think before you write!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Piccolo Spoleto Outdoor Art Exhibit - Day 8 - June 3, 1010

It's Never Too Hot to Party

So today was uncomfortably hot - sweltering, heavy and humid.  One of Kevin LePrince's prospective customers almost fainted today (and he even has the "Tornado" industrial fan in his tent!) One of the highlights was Artist Sheryl Stalnaker's 8 year old daughter Sophie playing her cello in the park:

Thank you, Sophie Stalnaker!

So, what do artists do in this kind of weather? Well, there's always comraderie (or is it misery loves company?). Good food and drink help - those artists in the first picture look pretty happy.  Then we have the really creative types that might break into spontaneous song. or dance. or something weird and unexpected.  Today we were treated to spontaneous installation art on the other  side of the park from where I'm located. 

Spontaneous Installation Art
"The Missile"
by Artist Steven Jordan

Spontaneous installation art is often born of hot and bored, especially when an artist has non-stop creative thinking like Steve Jordan.  He informed me that this part of the park is known as the "CSI Unit" and where I am located over by Meeting Street is known as "The Enchanted Forest" because of all the trees (really, they have lots of trees, also - we just don't have a spontaneous missile installation piece).  

In between spontaneous installation missiles, Steve continues to work on his demonstration from Sunday - a portrait of Tom Starland, publisher of Carolina Arts:

Yes, this looks just like the Tom Starland I saw with his wife, Linda, last weekend at the art show!

I left the CSI Unit and returned to The Enchanted Forest to catch Russell Buskirk's pastel demonstration:

Russell Buskirk beginning his art demonstration

 Taking Shape

Not Quite Finished but Almost!

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